The aim of this qualitative study was to provide an in-depth exploration and comparison of French mothers and adolescent girls’ perceptions of the risks and benefits of HPV vaccination.

The aim of this qualitative study was to provide an in-depth exploration and comparison of French mothers and adolescent girls’ perceptions of the risks and benefits of HPV vaccination.
This study explored the role of maturity in decision-making around HPV vaccination in France through qualitative interviews with adolescent girls (n = 24) and their mothers (n = 21) and two focus groups with adolescent girls (n = 12).
Routine immunisation coverage has stagnated over the past decade and fallen…
Discussion on the role and impact of mandates for vaccination.
Findings from a formative evaluation assessing the impact of a community-engagement strategy to improve vaccination in Ethiopia.
This policy brief summarises key findings from the formative evaluation of the ‘Fifth Child Project,’ which was led by The International…
The International Rescue Committee, in partnership with the VCP conducted a formative evaluation to assess the impact of an integrated community engagement strategy in addressing low and stagnating immunisation coverage.