In the oil towns of west Texas, a measles outbreak is spreading. Gaines County, where the flare-up began, had the state’s third-highest share of children exempt from measles and other vaccines for religious or philosophical reasons last year

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In the oil towns of west Texas, a measles outbreak is spreading. Gaines County, where the flare-up began, had the state’s third-highest share of children exempt from measles and other vaccines for religious or philosophical reasons last year
The way to discuss a vaccine, says Prof. Heidi Larson, founding director of the Vaccine Confidence Project, is to ask your patient how they feel about it and go from there, addressing patient concerns and developing a risk-benefit analysis to discuss.
This series of studies highlights the importance of adopting constructive approaches to restoring public health confidence in vaccination, particularly mRNA vaccines.
Professor Heidi Larson spoke to The i Paper about the role of the Covid pandemic in driving vaccine confidence declines among 18 to 24-year-olds: “It was not specifically a reaction to the vaccine. They felt that their education was disrupted, social life restricted and jobs lost or disrupted.”
We co-hosted a webinar with the Nigeria Solidarity Support Fund (NSSF) and the Vaccine Data CoLab on “Optimizing Vaccine Uptake in Nigeria through Increased Demand and Use of Data.”
Watch part one of the Global Health Cast’s new series on COVID-19, presented by Prof. Joe Schmitt, Prof. Catherine Weil-Olivier, and the VCP’s very own Dr Emilie Karafillakis.
The workshop featured a series of presentations – including from VCP Founder and Co-Director Prof. Heidi J Larson – on the nature, mechanisms, and differential impacts of misinformation about science.
This information session hosted by the Steering Group on Influenza Vaccination will aim to introduce the EU Flu Day project and this year’s campaign toolkit, in view of the EU Flu Day 2023 coming up in October.
Ben Plumley, Managing Director of our sister organisation the Global Listening Project, checks in with Professors’ Heidi Larson and Leesa Lin as they share the first top-line results from the Project’s 70-country societal preparedness index
In this interview with the New Book Network, author and Professor Heidi J. Larson discusses the research that informed her book Stuck, and how things have changed since the COVID-19 pandemic.
Professor Heidi Larson joins the Edelman Trust Institute’s Justin Blake for the final instalment of our Davos series.
Professor Heidi J. Larson joins Pandemic Planet to discuss how national security threats associated with low confidence in vaccines have changed in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.