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“This should be a wake-up call to people,” says Heidi Larson, a professor and founder of the…

The way to discuss a vaccine, says Prof. Heidi Larson, founding director of the Vaccine Confidence Project, is to ask your patient how they feel about it and go from there, addressing patient concerns and developing a risk-benefit analysis to discuss.

Pfizer announced Tuesday that its maternal RSV vaccine, given during pregnancy, protected infants from developing severe symptoms during…

Falling U.S. confidence in a COVID-19 vaccine threatens efforts to escape the worst effects of the pandemic.

Combating misinformation about COVID-19 and strengthening the U.S.

The latest WHO/UNICEF estimates of national childhood immunisation coverage have revealed the largest declines in routine immunisation uptake globally in three decades. Through a large-scale retrospective modelling study, we investigate the extent to which vaccine confidence has changed globally using pre- and post-pandemic.