Researcher Dr.

The Team Halo initiative has been backed by the UN and the Vaccine Confidence Project at the London…
Dr. Pauline Paterson explains the importance of public confidence in the COVID-19 vaccine.
Falling U.S. confidence in a COVID-19 vaccine threatens efforts to escape the worst effects of the pandemic.
To get us out of this pandemic, we must optimise uptake of not only life-saving vaccines, but health efforts…
Combating misinformation about COVID-19 and strengthening the U.S.
CSIS and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine’s Vaccine Confidence Project™ have launched a…
The United States Council for International Business (USCIB), The USCIB Foundation, and Business Partners for Sustainable…
In 2003, polio reemerged in twenty countries that had long been declared polio-free.
Emilie Karafillakis, research fellow for the Vaccine Confidence Project, speaks to France 24 about the rising anti-vaccination sentiment…
Too much is at stake for ourselves and our children to not apply the lessons from the…