Latest projects

Our projects span over a decade and multiple countries across the world. They are supported by our growing network of research partners and collaborators, including government agencies, grassroots actors, private and media sector, and non-profit and multilateral organisations.
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Latest publications

The Vaccine Confidence Project team regularly publishes articles, reviews and other academic writing in leading journals. Our publications analyse global trends in vaccine confidence and provide deep insight into the spatio-temporal dynamics of vaccine confidence across the world.
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Latest reports

The Vaccine Confidence Project publishes a variety of technical and interactive reports to illustrate and disseminate our findings.
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The State of the World’s Children 2023

The State of the World’s Children 2023 was developed in collaboration with VCP and using Vaccine Confidence Index data. It reveals that public perception of the importance of vaccines for children declined during the COVID-19 pandemic in 52 out of 55 countries studied.

Latest briefings & guidance

The Vaccine Confidence Project produces briefings and guidance to help inform decision-makers and other immunisation stakeholders in the UK and internationally.
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Vaccine confidence in Africa

This 2-page briefing provides an overview of the key trends and insights observed across the three waves of data collection that have been conducted as part…

Latest data visualisations

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Power BI Dashboard

An interactive dashboard showcasing data gathered across two waves of quantitative research (Jan-2022 and Aug-2022) conducted as part of the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention Working Group Project.

COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence in Africa

The aim of this study was to investigate public knowledge and perceptions of both the COVID-19 pandemic itself and COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among adults (aged…