We report the case of multiple adverse reactions following HPV vaccination in Colombian adolescents…
The Vaccine Confidence Project team regularly publishes articles, reviews and other academic writing in leading journals. Our publications analyse global trends in vaccine confidence and provide deep insight into the spatio-temporal dynamics of vaccine confidence across the world.
This systematic review of qualitative peer-reviewed literature from…
The aim of this review was to identify effective strategies in increasing the uptake of pertussis…
Vaccine acceptance depends on public trust and confidence in the safety and efficacy of vaccines and immunisation, the health system, healthcare professionals and…
Commentary on healthcare professional’s confidence in vaccination and their role in addressing vaccine hesitancy in the public
Findings from a formative evaluation assessing the impact of a community-engagement strategy to improve vaccination in Ethiopia.
Women bear a disproportionate burden of HIV throughout the world prompting…
Better knowledge of public concerns about vaccines and what…
This study examined the media messages put forth by different stakeholders in two Ebola vaccine trials that became controversial in Ghana.
The Human Papillomavirus Prevention and Control Board brought together experts to discuss optimising HPV vaccination and screening programs.
Study exploring the impact of health systems organisation on the Ebola Outbreak.
While most people vaccinate according to the recommended schedule, this success is challenged by individuals and groups who delay or refuse vaccines.