Mixed method study to explore risk perceptions and emotional determinants of health around COVID-19 and influenza vaccination in Europe.

Mixed method study to explore risk perceptions and emotional determinants of health around COVID-19 and influenza vaccination in Europe.
The latest WHO/UNICEF estimates of national childhood immunisation coverage have revealed the largest declines in routine immunisation uptake globally in three decades. Through a large-scale retrospective modelling study, we investigate the extent to which vaccine confidence has changed globally using pre- and post-pandemic.
The State of the World’s Children 2023 was developed in collaboration with VCP and using Vaccine Confidence Index data. It reveals that public perception of the importance of vaccines for children declined during the COVID-19 pandemic in 52 out of 55 countries studied.
In 2018, the European Commission engaged the Vaccine Confidence Project to create the first “State of Vaccine Confidence in the EU” report. Since then, the VCP has conducted bi-annual research to map and monitor public attitudes to vaccines across the region and examine trends over time.
The UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (UNICEF ECARO) and the VCP worked in partnership to better understand the impact of social media on caregivers’ attitudes, beliefs, trust, immunisation intention and uptake.
Our third study of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among 23,000 respondents in 23 countries, surveyed from 29 June to 10 July 2022 found willingness to accept vaccination at 79.1%, up 5.2% from June 2021.
In this large-scale multi-country study, we explored intent to accept a COVID-19 vaccine and the socio-demographic and emotional determinants of uptake for 17 countries.
Vaccine confidence in France is high compared to other countries. The latest data we have for France is from surveys conducted in 2022 which showed that 76% of people feel that vaccines are safe and 82% think they are effective. 75% of those surveyed said they believe it’s important for children to have vaccines and 77% feel that vaccines are compatible with their religious beliefs.
A mixed-methods approach was used including an online survey in 15 countries which aimed to determine drivers of HCPs vaccine confidence and examine how these drivers vary across nations.
Read the 2022 instalment of the VCPs bi-annual research report “The State of Vaccine Confidence in the EU,” which monitors public attitudes to vaccines across the continent.
Overview The Vaccine Confidence Project and its partners aimed to improve COVID-19 vaccine confidence…
The aim of this qualitative study was to provide an in-depth exploration and comparison of French mothers and adolescent girls’ perceptions of the risks and benefits of HPV vaccination.