This qualitative study explored the role of trust in HPV vaccination decision-making among mothers and adolescent girls in France.

This qualitative study explored the role of trust in HPV vaccination decision-making among mothers and adolescent girls in France.
This paper presents findings from qualitative research investigating global attitudes towards maternal vaccination among pregnant women, conducted in five European countries.
Between October 31, 2020 and December 15, 2020, 26,759 individuals were surveyed across 32 countries via nationally representative survey designs.
This mixed-method study aimed to explore the perceptions, confidence levels and decision-making practices…
Macron is battling a unique history of vaccine hesitancy, borne out of a series of mismanaged and bungled medical events, according to…
This study explored the role of maturity in decision-making around HPV vaccination in France through qualitative interviews with adolescent girls (n = 24) and their mothers (n = 21) and two focus groups with adolescent girls (n = 12).
In this study, we aimed to build upon recent advances in Transformer-based…
Our 2020 study investigated public perceptions towards the importance, safety, and effectiveness of vaccines as well as the perceptions towards the safety…
Read the 2020 instalment of the VCPs bi-annual research report “The State of Vaccine Confidence in the EU & UK,” which monitors public attitudes to vaccines across the continent.
This is the first systematic review and meta-analysis to examine the strength of the relationships between…
Emilie Karafillakis, research fellow for the Vaccine Confidence Project, speaks to France 24 about the rising anti-vaccination sentiment…
Emilie Karafillakis, research fellow for the Vaccine Confidence Project, speaks to France 24 about the rising anti-vaccination sentiment…