The aim of this study is to investigate public knowledge and perceptions of both the COVID-19 pandemic itself and COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among adults (aged 18 years and above) in 15 African countries.

The aim of this study is to investigate public knowledge and perceptions of both the COVID-19 pandemic itself and COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among adults (aged 18 years and above) in 15 African countries.
Routine immunisation coverage has stagnated over the past decade and fallen…
This is the first systematic review and meta-analysis to examine the strength of the relationships between…
The Vaccine Confidence Project™ has engaged in several different research projects relating to the prevention of HIV and other STIs.
This report outlines the methods and the findings of the VCP’s research, which was conducted to support The Learning Network for Countries in Transition countries in assessing and addressing their vaccine hesitancy issues and in building vaccine confidence capabilities.
This project and accompanying evaluation particularly focused on Benishangul Gumuz Regional State (BGRS) where the coverage for penta 3 vaccination was 41.7% in 2011.
LNCT is a platform dedicated to supporting countries as they transition away from Gavi support to full domestic financing of their national immunisation programs.
Maternal vaccination offers the potential to tackle the sustainable development goal 3 (SDG3) to reduce neonatal and maternal vaccination globally.
This paper discusses the establishment of a clinical trial of an Ebola vaccine candidate in Kambia District, Northern Sierra Leone.