Dr. Pauline Paterson explains the importance of public confidence in the COVID-19 vaccine.

Dr. Pauline Paterson explains the importance of public confidence in the COVID-19 vaccine.
To get us out of this pandemic, we must optimise uptake of not only life-saving vaccines, but health efforts…
Falling U.S. confidence in a COVID-19 vaccine threatens efforts to escape the worst effects of the pandemic.
Combating misinformation about COVID-19 and strengthening the U.S.
In this large-scale retrospective data-driven analysis, we examined global trends in vaccine confidence using data from 290 surveys.
In this large-scale retrospective data-driven analysis, we examined global trends in vaccine…
This is the first systematic review and meta-analysis to examine the strength of the relationships between…
CSIS and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine’s Vaccine Confidence Project™ have launched a…
In 2003, polio reemerged in twenty countries that had long been declared polio-free.
Introducing The Lancet–London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Commission.
This report outlines the methods and the findings of the VCP’s research, which was conducted to support The Learning Network for Countries in Transition countries in assessing and addressing their vaccine hesitancy issues and in building vaccine confidence capabilities.
A qualitative study was conducted to gain a contextualised understanding of factors influencing vaccination acceptance during pregnancy in Hackney, a borough in north-east London,…