We co-hosted a webinar with the Nigeria Solidarity Support Fund (NSSF) and the Vaccine Data CoLab on “Optimizing Vaccine Uptake in Nigeria through Increased Demand and Use of Data.”

We co-hosted a webinar with the Nigeria Solidarity Support Fund (NSSF) and the Vaccine Data CoLab on “Optimizing Vaccine Uptake in Nigeria through Increased Demand and Use of Data.”
The workshop featured a series of presentations – including from VCP Founder and Co-Director Prof. Heidi J Larson – on the nature, mechanisms, and differential impacts of misinformation about science.
Robert Kanwagi, Research Fellow at the VCP, discusses his work over the past six years on introducing an Ebola vaccine…
There is considerable variation across, and even within, countries as to how HPV vaccination is offered and accepted. This review aimed to identify what interventions exist to promote uptake and how effective they are.
Project to support the development of guidance on interventions to improve vaccine uptake in LMICs, informed by an assessment of local barriers and drivers to adult vaccine uptake.
Vaccine hesitancy is prevalent in all demographic groups and settings; however, it remains vastly understudied in low-income and middle-income regions.
To inform successful vaccination campaigns, we conducted a randomized controlled trial in the UK and…
The Vaccine Confidence Project™ has engaged in several different research projects relating to the prevention of HIV and other STIs.
The aim of this review was to identify effective strategies in increasing the uptake of pertussis…
Better knowledge of public concerns about vaccines and what…
This article aims to suggest and recommend strategies to promote vaccination awareness, and highlight proactive measures for building, maintaining and enhancing…
Looking in detail at the experience of delivering HPV vaccine, we explore the lessons that can be learnt, including…