In the oil towns of west Texas, a measles outbreak is spreading. Gaines County, where the flare-up began, had the state’s third-highest share of children exempt from measles and other vaccines for religious or philosophical reasons last year

In the oil towns of west Texas, a measles outbreak is spreading. Gaines County, where the flare-up began, had the state’s third-highest share of children exempt from measles and other vaccines for religious or philosophical reasons last year
Heidi Larson, Director of the Vaccine Confidence Project and Professor of Anthropology, Risk and Decision Science and researcher Sara…
This panel discussion featuring VCP Founder and Co-Director Professor Heidi J. Larson explores how can we address climate migration and reduce the risks for those displaced by the nature and climate crisis.
Maternal immunisation is key to protecting maternal and newborn health. We interviewed pregnant women in Brazil to identify barriers to and enablers of maternal immunisation in the country.
Routine immunisation coverage has stagnated over the past decade and fallen…
This article investigates how hope and trust played…
Overview This research, conducted in partnership with the Wellcome Trust, the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and the Oswaldo Cruz…
EBODAC (Ebola Vaccine Deployment, Acceptance and Compliance) was set up to develop strategies and tools to encourage acceptance and uptake of new Ebola vaccines in the context of clinical trials.
In 2019, the EBODAC team developed and piloted the 3C Gap Analysis Tool to help establish a countries readiness for Ebola vaccine deployment in non-emergency…
This project and accompanying evaluation particularly focused on Benishangul Gumuz Regional State (BGRS) where the coverage for penta 3 vaccination was 41.7% in 2011.
Project AViD took a critical anthropological approach to exploring what actions can be taken to optimise vaccine acceptance during a disease outbreak.
A repository for the knowledge gained during the Ebola outbreak, this guidebook draws upon the experiences…