In this interview, VCP Founder and Co-Director Prof. Heidi J Larson outlines what research tells us about the impact of mandates on vaccine confidence amongst young people.
Topic: Vaccine Hesitancy
Watch part one of the Global Health Cast’s new series on COVID-19, presented by Prof. Joe Schmitt, Prof. Catherine Weil-Olivier, and the VCP’s very own Dr Emilie Karafillakis.
This article reflects on recent research examining the levels and trends of vaccine confidence over time and across the globe, the drivers influencing confidence, and the role of the COVID-19 pandemic in shaping confidence today.
This report summarises the considerations, recommendations, and suggested strategies discussed during a roundtable session at the 16th Vaccine Congress in Riva del Garda, as prepared by the presenters.
These seven learning modules provide tools and skills to support employee vaccination efforts.
The VCP – Africa CDC study suggests there could be reasons for this reduction other than the disruption of vaccination programmes during the pandemic.
Public confidence in vaccines has declined across sub-Saharan Africa since the COVID-19 pandemic, new research shows.
Mixed method study to examine adult and HCP confidence in vaccination in Eastern Europe (Balkans, Caucasus, Central Asia).
The latest WHO/UNICEF estimates of national childhood immunisation coverage have revealed the largest declines in routine immunisation uptake globally in three decades. Through a large-scale retrospective modelling study, we investigate the extent to which vaccine confidence has changed globally using pre- and post-pandemic.
The State of the World’s Children 2023 was developed in collaboration with VCP and using Vaccine Confidence Index data. It reveals that public perception of the importance of vaccines for children declined during the COVID-19 pandemic in 52 out of 55 countries studied.
In this interview with the New Book Network, author and Professor Heidi J. Larson discusses the research that informed her book Stuck, and how things have changed since the COVID-19 pandemic.
Professor Heidi J. Larson speaks to Science about the potential of COVID-19 vaccine mandates to undermine trust in future public health efforts.