This study aims to assess global hesitancy, confidence, and public engagement toward COVID-19 vaccination.
Topic: Vaccine Hesitancy
This study was a comparative analysis between the United Kingdom and China, which…
Dr. Pauline Paterson explains the importance of public confidence in the COVID-19 vaccine.
To get us out of this pandemic, we must optimise uptake of not only life-saving vaccines, but health efforts…
In 2003, polio reemerged in twenty countries that had long been declared polio-free.
The Vaccine Confidence Project™ conducted a systematic scoping review to identify and summarise tools and methodologies that have been used to monitor social media around vaccination.
Vaccination against infectious diseases has changed the future of the human species, saving millions of lives every year, both children and adults, and providing major…
Emilie Karafillakis, research fellow for the Vaccine Confidence Project, speaks to France 24 about the rising anti-vaccination sentiment…
This year, the World Health Organization named vaccine hesitancy as one of the top 10 global health threats, alongside threats as grave as climate change, antimicrobial…
Parents’ reluctance to vaccinate their children undermines the effectiveness of vaccination programmes in Western Europe. There is anecdotal evidence suggesting a connection between the rise of political populism and vaccine hesitancy.
Europe is increasingly described as the region in…