A repository for the knowledge gained during the Ebola outbreak, this guidebook draws upon the experiences…

A repository for the knowledge gained during the Ebola outbreak, this guidebook draws upon the experiences…
Maternal vaccination offers the potential to tackle the sustainable development goal 3 (SDG3) to reduce neonatal and maternal vaccination globally.
This policy brief summarises key findings from the formative evaluation of the ‘Fifth Child Project,’ which was led by The International…
This study examined the media messages put forth by different stakeholders in two Ebola vaccine trials that became controversial in Ghana.
This report provides guidance for public-private collaborations (PPCs) on developing communication strategies on vaccine benefits and risks (BR), following a 4-step model.
Project on vaccine risks and benefits communication.
The International Rescue Committee, in partnership with the VCP conducted a formative evaluation to assess the impact of an integrated community engagement strategy in addressing low and stagnating immunisation coverage.
Public confidence in an immunisation programme is a pivotal determinant of the programme’s success.
This paper discusses the establishment of a clinical trial of an Ebola vaccine candidate in Kambia District, Northern Sierra Leone.
We undertook a data-driven time-series analysis to examine trends in coverage of diphtheria, tetanus,…
The Vaccine Confidence Project™ is a WHO Centre of Excellence on addressing Vaccine Hesitancy, and is engaged in many strands of research pertaining to vaccine hesitancy.
In March 2012, the SAGE Working Group on Vaccine Hesitancy was convened to define the term ”vaccine hesitancy”, as well as…